OPG Energy is planning to set up 2 x 360 MW coal based thermal power project in Periya Obulapuram in Gummindipoondi as stage III Unit 5 & 6 in Tamil Nadu. The company has appointed Aquatherm Engineering Consultants to develop the pre-feasibility report. The 2 x 360 MW unit shall consist of the Sub-critical Steam Generator with natural circulation; single reheat, condensing, extraction type steam turbine and generator, air cooled condenser, condensate extraction and feed water systems, heaters and all equipment for reheat regenerative feed heating.
As of February 2016, the project is in planning stage and is going through the process of statutory clearances.
<strong>Company Profile : <a href=http://industry-report.net/opg-energy-pvt-ltd>OPG Energy Pvt Ltd</a></strong>
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