Torrent Power Ltd has invited Request for Selection (RfS) for the procurement of up to 300 MW of power from grid-connected solar photovoltaic power projects in Gujarat. According to the tender notice, a bidder can bid for a maximum capacity of 150 MW and a minimum capacity of 50 MW with last date at February 12, 2019. The technical bids will open on February 13, 2019 and financial bids will open on February 20, 2019.
Torrent will sign power purchase agreement with the successful bidders for a period of 25 years from the scheduled commercial operation date of the project. The bidders will be free to avail fiscal incentives like accelerated depreciation, concessional customs and excise duties, tax holidays, benefits from trading of carbon credits, etc. as available for such projects.
Company Profile : Torrent Power Ltd
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