India has one of the largest synchronous grid in the world which is also expanding at rapid space. There is increasing mix of renewable energy like wind and solar power which are notorious for fluctuation in generation of power. With increasing renewable energy, there is wide variation in generation as well as loads on daily/seasonal basis, multi direction flow of power, open access, unscheduled interchange (UI) and the need for economic dispatch. Currently, regional dispatch centre receive data at regular intervals of 4 second to 15 second. However, they are of steady state value, while we need to monitor change dynamically.
To overcome these challenges, we need to bring smart and intelligent grid which can provide
1. Integrated energy and Communication system architect;
2. Phasor measurement technique;
3. Wide area measurement;
4. Adaptive islanding;
4. Self healing ;
5. Probabilistic / Dynamic and Voltage stability assessments;
The Powergrid Corporation is also looking at emerging technologies of power storage, fly wheels, compressed air, pumped storage hydel based system etc., to meet the rising challenges.
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