Since Independence, it is the government sector which has built the critical electricity infrastructure which powers the cities connecting across width and breadth of India. It is in the year 2003, after the passing amendments in Indian Electricity Act of 2003, the private sector has been given a role to play. Government Power Utilities have built large power stations near coal fields as well as model township, mega hydel projects, nuclear power plants which were conceived boldly and implemented though they were largely inefficient compared to private sector. Currently, the share of electricity generation by government power utilities is around 55% which includes the state and central sector.
Now, we have come a long way, that Indian government has launched rating for the state power distribution companies to monitor their performances. The utilities are graded on a scale of 6 from A to C by ICRA and CRISIL. The move will enable the companies to garner funds efficiently probably at a lower rate of interest.
Currently, 39 distribution companies have been rated out of which 4 where awarded A+ and two where given A, 11 have received B+ rating while 10 have been given B, eight got C plus and four are rated C. Distribution is a key chain in power sector and healthy distribution companies will provide stability for long term planning.
List of All State and Central Government Power Utilities

Ajmer Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Ltd

Andhra Pradesh Gas Power Corp Ltd

Beas Valley Power Corp Ltd

Bihar State Electricity Board

Bihar State Hydroelectric Corp Ltd

Central Electricity Supply Utility Of Orissa

Central Power Distribution Co Of A P Ltd