In India, though a power starved country, nuclear power generation is being resisted. Currently, nuclear power forms a distant 4th in terms of generation, after thermal, hydro-electric and renewable sources like solar and wind power. Though India started ambitiously in 2010 and announced 63000 MW, it has withered away its chances after Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.
Many nuclear projects are facing hurdles -Jaitapur and Haripur with state government refusing permission and public interest litigation in courts.
Despite all these opposition, the nuclear power generation are making slow progress. Despite severe protests Kudankulam Nuclear power plant has gone operational in 2014. India is also making progress in field of thorium-based fuels. It is working to design and develop a prototype for an atomic reactor using thorium and low-enriched uranium, a key part of India’s three stage nuclear power programme.
Here is a list of projects that are in implementation/operation in India
Project | Location | State | Type | Capacity | Project Cost (In INR Crores) |
Kakrapar-Atomic Power Project (Unit 1 & 2) | Kakrapar | Gujarat | PHWR | 2×700 (1400) | 11,459 |
Rawatbhata Atomic Power Project (Unit 1&2) | Rawabhata | Rajasthan | PHWR | 2×700 (1400) | 12,320 |
Gorakhpur Haryana Atomic Power Project (Unit 1 &2) | Gorakhpur | Haryana | PHWR | 2×700 (1400) | 20,594 |
Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (Unit 3 & 4) | Kudankulam | Tamil Nadu | LWR | 2×1000 | 39,849 |
Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor Project | Kalpakkam | Tamil Nadu | FBR | 1×500 | 5,677 |
Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (Unit 5 &6) | Kudankulam | Tamil Nadu | LWR | 2×1000 | 49,621 |
Chutka Atomic Power Project (Unit 1 &2) | Chutka | Madhya Pradesh | PHWR | 2×700 (1400) | 105,000 |
Kaiga Atomic Power Project (Unit 5 &6) | Kaiga | Karnataka | PHWR | 2×700 (1400) | 105,000 |
Mahi Banswara Atomic Power Project (Unit 1 &2) | Mahi Banswara | Rajasthan | PHWR | 2×700 (1400) | 105,000 |
Gorakhpur Haryana Atomic Power Project (Unit 3 &4) | Gorakhpur | Haryana | PHWR | 2×700 (1400) | 105,000 |
Mahi Banswara Atomic Power Project (Unit 3&4) | Mahi Banswara | Rajasthan | PHWR | 2×700 (1400) | 105,000 |

Jindal plans investment in nuclear power sector

Jindal plans investment in nuclear power sector

List of Upcoming Nuclear Power Plants in India

BHEL to supply heat exchanger for Gorakhpur nuclear plant

Nuclear Power Corp continues investigation of coolant leak in Kakrapar

Nuclear Power Corp plans new nuclear plant in Gorakhpur
List of All Companies in Nuclear Power Sector in India

Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd

Institute For Plasma Research

Nuclear Fuel Complex